Our Relationship Has Finally Ended, Who is At Fault?

My serious babe just broke up with me yesterday. So, this is what happened: We’ve been friends right from childhood—let me say, attended the same church, served in the same department in the church, and somehow, we both fell in love. Though we broke up a few times because we were still young then and didn’t want church members to know about us, last year, we got back together again. This time around, I was already in school, but she was still at home waiting for admission. Now, before we even started dating again, she knew from the beginning that I am not the clingy, lover-boy, emotional, or romantic guy at all. Not like I’m totally off, but I just don’t fancy these things. So, we were cool. Several times, I made sure I went to the hood once every two months or so to see her—sometimes even less than that. Last year, she pleaded with me to spend New Year in the hood. After so much back and forth, I agreed. Now, she has gained admission into this very popular polytechnic in Ogun State, while I school in Lagos. We’ve always kept in touch—gisting, sharing ideas, and all that.

But one thing about me is that I don’t really text first. She’s always the one who does that—sends good morning messages, love epistles, and all that. I do text her first sometimes, but she does 70% of it most of the time, and she’s fine with it because she even knows that’s how I am from the start. I can literally go weeks without saying hi, but that doesn’t mean I’m not into her or don’t love her as she loves me. Sometimes, it’s just my busy schedule because I also hold a position in my school, and I’m always busy during the week. But we still chat very well from time to time. Whenever she texts and I’m busy, I make sure to reply to her ASAP to let her know I’ll talk to her later. Since last month, I noticed she stopped paying attention and all that. I texted her and complained about it, and she said it was because of school schedules—that she was always busy with classes. I agreed. Weeks later, I noticed the same energy. I texted first again and wrote to her, and I quote: “You’ve not been paying attention to me lately. Do you need a break?” Next thing, she flared up, and I was really surprised because she has never acted this way before.

The girl I know is always soft, but this time around, everything changed. She redirected the question back to me. I asked her why she reacted that way because it was just a simple question. She said that question annoyed her and also said, “Now you know how it feels not to be paid attention to and all that.” So, I apologized, and we just talked a little. The next day, I texted first again, asked her how school was, how everything was going, and if she had gotten home. She only replied with “YES.” I was like, “So after all the questions and greetings, you only replied with ‘yes’?” I asked her where this nonsense character was coming from. Then she replied with “OGA, CALM DOWN JARE, I’M BUSY.” I said okay. A few minutes later, she said she was done. We argued, and she started blackmailing me, saying all sorts—how I don’t give her attention, how I don’t care, and how I don’t make her feel special. I was surprised hearing her say all this because we really talk—we even vibe so well that we play T or D games sometimes. Now, she said she’s fed up and wouldn’t mind ending the relationship if I don’t change—knowing fully well that I’m not the clingy type from DAY 1.

Why the sudden change now, all because she has entered school? It’s like they’re fingering her brain. A girl who was obsessed with me is now acting like a w.tch. All through the argument, she just kept defending herself, saying it feels like she’s the only one in the relationship. It’s obvious she’s starting to compare people’s relationships to ours. Well, I asked her if she still loved me. She said yes, but the feelings were fading away. In conclusion, I sent her a breakup text because how does she expect a young man like me, who has plans and ambition, to give her 100% attention? It’s crazy—I can’t. So, there was no need to keep the relationship anymore. It was clear she wanted to leave. Maybe she has found someone else, lol. Anyways, guess what? After sending the breakup text, she first pretended and replied with a sad emoji. Later, she replied with a happy and satisfied emoji, saying we could still be good and close friends. She also admitted that I was good to her in other ways, except for this attention thing. Well, I just played along and told her she wanted this to happen—now it has happened. I guess she wants to explore school.

She will learn the hard way because that polytechnic she’s in is not nice at all. And we’ve not even had sex before, and our relationship is almost a year now. (Not like I’m pained.) Also, she’s a virgin. Anyhow, she knows that this attention thing is the only thing she can use to blackmail me and get what she wants. It is fine. We are no longer together. Funny how we broke up a few minutes before my birthday at night. 🥲 Who is at fault??

Also Read: My Man Has Another Woman in the West

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