Nah Relationship I Dey, Nor Be Cult

I’m here to rant because sometimes I cry when I’m alone. I started dating my boyfriend in February, but before then, he had been very nice to me—I won’t lie. However, after we started dating, he changed completely. I can’t talk to other guys, even my friends. I can’t post videos if my body is even slightly showing. If I do, he tells me to delete them. If I post anything on my WhatsApp and someone replies, and I reply back, he gets angry and says, “Why would you add a love emoji to your reply?” Omo, I’m tired, Jesus! Both my male and female friends—mostly my male friends—don’t even call me anymore or check up on me because he gets angry, saying, “Why would they be asking how you’re doing?” All of this is really hurting me so much.

The fact that I love him makes it worse. I don’t even ask him for money because, nor be him carry me come this life. Now, the issue we had yesterday was that I posted a video on IG where my boobs were showing a little too much, and I wrote a caption: “As una nor gather hand put me for relationship, e good for una eye.” Now, he says I’m acting single online. Omo, nah joke something oh! This guy carry am serious. I don’t even post again because everything I post is a problem. Please, make una advise me on what to do. I don’t even recognize myself anymore. All I do now is things that will make him happy, not me. I don turn mumu. I used to tell people not to act like f00ls in relationships, but now look at me. I feel so bad, really.

Also Read: Tribe Differences and Marriage Decisions

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