I’m a student and I have a roomie. Based on one or two issues, she literally takes my things, which I have severally warned her about. I told her to let me know before taking anything. Some issues happened, and she stopped taking my things, sha. Literally, I’m the one taking care of every default in the house without her contribution. Fast forward to last week, I started seeing a lot of cockroaches in my house. I said we should buy insecticide, and truthfully, I only had N5k remaining, while the insecticide was N3k. I asked for her N1,500, and she said she’d give it to me in the evening. I bought it, hoping she would give me my money. The next day, I asked for the money because I didn’t have any cash left. This girl said maybe when she comes back. I sprayed the house for two days while I didn’t sleep there.
If you see the number of cockroaches that came out of my kitchen! I cleaned everywhere and all. When this girl traveled and came back, she asked why I scattered her bed. I told her I had to clean everywhere because the cockroaches were too much. She said I should not have cleaned her side till she came back and that I should have been sleeping beside dead cockroaches. Today, I asked for my money again, and this girl told me she doesn’t have 1,500 for insecticide, and that I should have bought powder instead. It’s not like the money means so much to me, but she doesn’t deserve it. She’s not someone I can dash my money. Should I pressurize her to give me my money, or should I just leave her because she’s moving out by April? Or am I overreacting? Please, I need your opinion on this.
Also Read: Do You Guys Think I’m Overreacting?
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