My Man Has Two Babymamas

My boyfriend and I have been dating for 7 months now. He recently told me he has another baby mama (it happened before we started dating). I knew about the first one, and I didn’t mind because the circumstances were understandable. I love him so much, so I was still willing to give the relationship a try even with the 2nd one, but we were having a random conversation one day, and he told me that if I got pregnant, I’d ab0rt it. Hmm. I know I don’t plan on getting pregnant for him except if we’re married, but that just came out too blunt and carefree. I don’t know if I’m overthinking it. I should also add that after he told me about the 2nd one, while I was still trying to process it, he sent me a breakup text, and I was confused because if at all, it should be coming from me. But then we kind of resolved it and put it behind us and continued dating. I also find it disturbing that he’s not completely open about the 2nd baby mama; it’s always half stories. Am I wasting my time?🤔

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