My Man Has Another Woman in the West

I’m 27, and my boyfriend is 30. We’ve been dating since February this year. Before I accepted him, I asked if he was in a relationship, and he said he was single. He has been really supportive of my business and everything. He has never said no to anything I ask, and when I gift him, he always does the same. Fast forward to last month, I saw a lady’s name on his phone. I didn’t check the phone ooo; I just saw it on his screen. So I went on Instagram to find her name, and I saw he was following her, and she was following him too. I kept checking the videos she had been posting, and that’s how I found out they had been dating since 2022. She had been posting pictures and videos of them together. My boyfriend and I live in Lagos, but the lady lives in the West. My boyfriend always travels back to the West because that was where he was living before relocating to Lagos. So I confronted him about her.

He was shocked and kept asking how I found out. I didn’t tell him it was from her page ooo; I just said someone told me. He kept begging and begging, saying he is not married to anyone yet, that he has a choice to make. He also said she is not in Lagos, that he genuinely loves me, and that if he didn’t love me, he wouldn’t do all the things he has been doing for me. He gave me money for my apartment and for my business, and he is planning to finish setting up my business space. Mind you, I’m already a businesswoman, and I have my own money, so don’t say I’m with him because of what he gives me. I told him I forgave him because I was not strong enough to leave at that time. Now, they are still in contact, and I’m confused about what to do. I don’t know if I should break up. He just traveled to the West again. Please, be nice with your comments. I need sincere advice.

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