My Ex Keeps Coming Back

While I was dating my ex he could stop communicating with me for months. Along the line, I met another guy and we started talking and soon, we clicked and started dating. He is very caring; every woman’s dream to have him as a boyfriend but he is married with kids. My ex texted me and kept telling me he loves me and meanwhile I do love my ex more than my new boyfriend because of the way he’s caring, even to the extent that I cheated on my boyfriend with my ex. I know that my boyfriend loves me so much. If my ex isn’t married yet I could go back to end up with him. I just don’t know how I ended up loving my ex so much. I have been with my boyfriend for 3 years and I still have feelings for my ex even though I knew he keep using me. Could it be because he was my first love and was the person who deflowered me? Now I have broken up with my boyfriend and in spite of this, my boyfriend still keeps doing some stuff for me and keeps supporting me in all I do.

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