My Boyfriend is Upset I Asked My Ex for Assistance

So I’ve been dating this guy for up to 6 months now, and so far, it’s been really good—just that he has anger issues and says hurtful words when upset. But so far, he’s been working on it, and I can see the changes. Well, we all know the country is hard right now, and things are a bit tough for my boyfriend. A few months back, I really needed assistance with something urgent, so I asked my ex. Mind you, I have nothing with my ex. We broke up 2 years ago, and it was amicable. We became friends. We don’t talk about getting back together, nor do we have feelings for each other—it’s just purely platonic. We don’t even talk every day, just every now and then. He once said if I needed something, I could ask him, and if he had, he’d help me. It’s not like he’s rich or anything; he’s just a struggling young guy too. So I asked him, and he helped me out.

Then one time, my boyfriend went through my chats and saw it. He was mad and asked me why I’d do that. I tried to explain that I really don’t have anything with my ex. Before now, my boyfriend had told me he didn’t want me close to my ex because he wasn’t cool with it, and I adhered. I limited communication with my ex and didn’t even text him again until that time I really needed help, and my boyfriend couldn’t assist me. My boyfriend was mad that I asked something from him when he told me he didn’t want me in contact with him. I apologized because I really was sorry, but at that time, I had no choice but to ask him—it was critical, and my boyfriend couldn’t help. 🤦🏼‍♀️ So, well, the thing is, it happened a second time, and my boyfriend got super upset and used harsh and hurtful words on me. He did it the first time too, his anger issues always coming out whenever it happened.

This time around, I blocked and deleted my ex’s number from my phone so I wouldn’t communicate with him. Now, my boyfriend is having a tough time forgetting it, saying no guy would take it if it were them. I didn’t meet with my ex or sleep with him. Heck, he didn’t even touch me after we broke up 2 years ago. I met my boyfriend early this year. Was I wrong for collecting from my ex, even though there’s really nothing between us and we consider each other just friends? I don’t have his number, so I won’t reach out anymore, as I don’t want anything to come between my relationship. I love my boyfriend, and I know he loves me. He’s just mad that he couldn’t do that thing for me, which made me ask my ex.

Also Read: I’m Confused About Opening My Heart to Love Again

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