My Babe Avoids Sex with Me

I have been in this relationship for over four years and have never cheated on her. I’ve done my best to take good care of her, and she’s a sweet person. However, the only issue is that she sees sex as a favor and only wants it on her terms. Right now, I’m considering getting a side chick, even though I know it could ruin our relationship. But how long am I supposed to deal with her indifferent attitude toward sex?

She usually wants only one round, and after that, she’s done. I can even count how many times we’ve had a second round in the past four years. My first round only lasts for less than two minutes due to anxiety, but my second lasts much longer, sometimes until she gets tired. Yet, whenever I try to talk about it, she calls me a “two-minute man,” even though I’ve explained my anxiety during the first round.

Also Read: My Emotions Are Gone


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