I’m Tired of My Relationship

I have been dating my boyfriend for almost 4 years now. I’ve been faithful and loyal to him, and our relationship has been going well until I found out he cheated on me twice last year. I forgave him, though, but the issue now is that I don’t have a soft spot for him anymore. Everything he does disgusts me. I wanted to be calm and collect enough money for starting my business, then break up with him. I’ve gotten like half of the money I need, but I don’t know how to keep going.

Each time he tries to touch me, I feel irritated. He does not even mistakenly mention marriage. It’s obvious I’m not in his future plans because he’s in his mid-30s and has enough money, yet he never talks about settling down. Please, you people should not judge me. If you were in my shoes, what would you do? Should I just break up with him and move on, or wait till I collect the whole money I need and then move on?

Also Read: I Can’t Do Without Her But I’m Heartbroken


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