I’m So Attached to Him Despite the Red Flags

Hmm, I don’t even know where to start. I’m 21, and my boyfriend is 29. He is a nnarcissist and is also selfish—the only thing he thinks of is himself. He has no regard for me, doesn’t care about my opinion, and whatever he thinks is right, is right. I’m tired of all this. When I try to sit him down and talk about it, or do it over the phone, he just starts saying I’m complaining too much. I can’t even begin to say all the things he has done to me. The problem now is that I’m so in love with him that I don’t know what to do. Please help me, guys. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I can’t detach myself from him. I tried giving him space. I even deleted his number one time, but still ended up looking for it on my phone again to chat him up, even though it seems like he doesn’t even care.

Also Read: My Soon-to-be Husband Doesn’t Have a Job

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