I’m Losing it with My Detective Girlfriend

I have been in a relationship with my girlfriend for over 2 years, and truth be told, I love this girl so much and I’m already making plans to step up our relationship. Even though she can be all sweet at times, she’s something else when we argue, always in$ulting and sometimes getting physical. There were cases she would slap me, lock me up in my room, and even go as far as seizing my phone sometimes. She has access to all my phones and goes through my messages on all my social accounts. She’s one hell of a detective girlfriend.

My girl has trust issues, always not wanting me to chat with any lady on my contact list. She even goes as far as blocking them or deleting their contact on my phone. I just let her be or, better still, leave the house and go somewhere till she calms down. Most times, when she’s at fault, I’d be the one to apologize. To cut the long story short, we got into an argument some days ago, and for the first time ever, I delivered some s|aps on her face, and she angrily left my place. Ever since then, she blocked me on all her socials and is not even replying to my text messages.

I just think it’d be best if I apologize to her for slapping her. I’m not the violent type, but this girl is literally taking me for a fool almost every time, and I couldn’t have any of it anymore. She doesn’t even get remorseful, even when it’s all clear she is at fault. I just can’t cut off this relationship, even when she’s giving me all the reasons to. I just know she’s my cross to carry, but I’m losing it.

Also Read:I Think He’s with Me Because He’s Broke

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