I Was Traumatized After We Met Physically

I just met this girl a few months back; it’s been a long distance relationship. To be honest, she is so, so fine—I mean, so beautiful and sexy. So she came over to see me for the first time; we live in different states. Our first meeting, I went to pick her up, got her stuffs—I really love this girl. So it was now time to have sex. After making out, guys, could you imagine—I was so traumatized. She stinks so badly down there, her vagina stinks like a dead rat, like so, so bad, I almost threw up. But because of the love I have for her, I had to just cover my nose and wore CD and had sex with her. So after that, later at night, I gently told her with love that I noticed a very bad smell down when we were having sex, but guys she flared up and started crying. I felt bad and I had to beg and pet her that I didn’t mean to hurt her. So she left. I started having mixed feelings for her. Everything was going well, so I told her to go for a test.

I told her I would pay, that I just wanted her to be fine and treat herself if she had any infection or so, but she was nonchalant about it and felt I was doing a bad thing. So now it’s our second meeting again; she said she treated herself already. She is with me currently; she still sm€lls bad down there, and I also notice she is so lazy. She doesn’t take her bath until almost 12 or 3, like I’m really getting tired; she is even on her flow. Now I have to remind her to go take her bath this morning—mind you, it is almost 11 am and she hasn’t taken her bath. Please guys, what can she do to stop the smell? I really love her, but I can’t continue with the smell down there, and I don’t want to tell her she still smells anymore because it’s gonna look like I did a bad thing. How can a girl not know if her pu$$¥ is smelly and yet she wanted me to even give her head? I told her I will never.

Also Read: Finding it Hard to Get Over My Ex

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