Is it a bad thing to live in the same apartment with your ex? Before my ex broke up with me last year, she already moved into my apartment after giving out her own apartment for rent, and we’ve been living together since. We have had countless talks about us, and her coming back too, but to no avail. Regardless, I don’t want to force myself into her life. I still love her very much, but she doesn’t, and I understand why. It’s been months now since the breakup, and it’s not getting better, not even in a million years. I can’t ask her to leave because I won’t be able to live with myself.
I don’t want to force her to come back or convince her otherwise. She is traveling soon for a one-month vacation to her home country, and I want to ask this: should I wait until she gets back to tell her to go back to her apartment or let her make the decision herself? If you’re thinking maybe we’re having sex or kissing or doing any form of couple-related things, NO, we’re not. She sleeps in a different room from mine, and I cook my own food too. I am not seeing anyone else yet, and I don’t even think I will be doing that this year, even though I’m in my mid-30s. I still want to take things slow with myself.
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