I have been seeing this guy for two years now. We are not dating; we both have serious relationships with our partners. We barely see each other, though, like once in 3 or 4 months because we live in different states. So recently, we planned on seeing each other. I traveled down to Mosho to see him as usual. He left me in his apartment while he went back to his workplace. We had a quickie before he left. Some hours later, I was just checking his drawer and found some drugs. I saw three packets of drugs, he already finished one, one was almost finished, and the third one was still intact. I went on Google to search for the drug, and it’s actually HIV medication. Omoo, I wan craze! We’ve never had sex without protection, we don’t kiss, and we never have oral sex too. But am I safe? I pretended like nothing was wrong when he got back, but I can’t stop thinking about it. The questions I’ve asked Google eh, Google should know I don enter wahala promax. Yee, iku de! (I’m dead)
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