I Dreamt About Being in A Toxic Marriage

I had a dream a few days back, and it was not really clear to me. In that dream, I think I have a man, more like a husband. He doesn’t allow me to go close to people, locks at home, and anytime I try to run away from the house, one way or the other, he always catches me. I don’t know how he does it. To cut the story short, the last time I tried to run, I successfully got to the junction of the street we live in, and I hid behind a car. He was supposed to be in transit, but somehow he was in that same junction with me (he pursued me to that place). Then he was shouting and screaming that no matter where I go, I will always come back to him. That was how I woke up, but he didn’t later catch me because I remembered I was trying to hide under that car. Please, what does it mean?

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