He Has Totally Changed, What Could Be Wrong?

I met a single guy (according to him) at my mum’s. He came in for some construction work, which took him some days, and eventually, we got talking. He knew I am a single mum of 1. We both realized we attend the same church, but he isn’t educated, although he can speak at an okay level, not fluent. We both started dating after he left my mum’s place. A few weeks of talking, he wanted me to meet his adopted family, but I said no.

He insisted I talk to them over the phone, and I did. I decided to visit him, and we had sex. He told me his adopted sister is coming over, which I was comfortable with because I wouldn’t be around. I left after spending some days in his house. I left to resume work, and I realized he changed from him calling to total ignore. So, I went to his house unannounced since he gave me his keys.

I met his sister, but I never discussed anything with her, just greetings. He told his sister why I was angry, and she apologized on his behalf. I left the same day, only for him to tell me I shouldn’t come because his sister is around, and he would want her to be comfortable pending the time she would leave. I was very angry, and we had a really rough disagreement which, after 1 week, he told me he needed 2 weeks to pray about our relationship.

I told him it’s okay, but I won’t wait forever, so he should make sure it’s just 2 weeks. Now, he only calls once ever since, and when I call him, he talks to me like a stranger. I am confused. Please, can someone tell me what’s going on?

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