He’s HIV Positive and Still Impregnated SomeoneSo I have this relative who came to stay with me for some time. Usually, I run HIV tests on everyone in my house. Unfortunately, his came out positive. I didn’t discriminate against him; rather, I encouraged him that it wasn’t the end of the world. He started taking his medications, and all was well until he got into a relationship. I warned him to be careful, either tell his girlfriend of his status or use protection. He did neither, and she’s pregnant now, though I wasn’t aware he was having sex without protection until she told me about the pregnancy. Now they are discussing marriage, of which I called him and told him to tell this lady of his status so she can go for tests and know what she’s getting herself into.
He said, “I CAN’T. WHENEVER SHE FINDS OUT, SHE WILL KNOW. I AM MORE WORRIED ABOUT MY UNBORN BABY.” Of which I told him to either tell her or I do. I then asked if she’s never asked him why he takes medication daily, and he said she’s never seen him. And I’m the only one in the family that knows of his status. I need your advice on whether to tell her or mind my business. I really feel bad because he’s kinda close to me, and I knew the sex was without a condom.
Also Read: My Relationship of 7 Years
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