He Ended Our Relationship Because of My Ex

Imagine my boyfriend breaking up with me because he asked me if I’ve dated a particular person. He posted my pictures and my ex happened to be his area brother, who told him he knows me, but never mentioned our affairs to him. I actually didn’t want to tell him at first, but after few months when he asked again, then I told what actually happened, because I dated this person 7 years ago. He now got angry that why didn’t I tell him when he first asked me. That he’s so disappointed. And I’m like, I had a relationship with this person 7 years ago, why should that be an issue.

Then he said he’s not doing anymore. Just like that oo, you were not even in the picture then. He was my ex, and 7years ago was the last time I saw him. Why will you end our relationship because of my past relationship, not even a terrible one, it was just a failed one because things didn’t work out between us. And this guy is always comfortable telling me about all the girls he dated and I never had issues with him or fought him once. Never ever will I tell any guy about a guy I dated in the past anymore. I’ve learnt my lessons.

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