Omo, I need people’s opinions on this. I don’t know if I overdo things or not. Well, I met this guy online last year, in October, and this werey acted like the best man ever, not knowing that the werey wan come finish my life. So we started dating, and everything was fine. Not until 2 months into the relationship, I got to find out that his ex-girlfriend was pregnant for him, and the werey accepted the pregnancy just like that and told me not to worry, that he couldn’t date or marry the exes, that he only wanted the baby sha. During those periods of him having issues with the girl’s family, this guy showed me shege, which I understand, maybe it’s the pressure that’s affecting him. Omo, this guy no give me any attention again. So, I later discovered that I was pregnant, which I told him.
That’s when he started giving attention back, all because he wanted me to abort my own pregnancy (someone that never told me he still had a thing with his ex ooo, because I asked from the beginning ooo). Well, I agreed to abort it sha, and everything was fine. Not until last when this guy started flaunting his ex’s picture everywhere, and you’re still dating me ooo. (Don’t blame me for not leaving him. I like him, that’s why I stay in relationships.) And I didn’t say anything to him. Now, I am pregnant again. Well, I have not told him because I know he will still ask me to abort it, and I am not ready for any abortion because I never knew he was still with his ex when he asked me out from the beginning. Please, you people should be gentle with me with your comments. Thanks.
Also Read: How Do You Cope with Dating an Older Guy
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