Does My Colleague Loves Me? 

Before reading further, I know I shouldn’t have any form of sexual relationship with my colleague. I moved to a new country 11 months ago with my parents and got my first job in the 7th month. The past seven months were tough, but I’m grateful to God for getting me through it. Three months into my new job, I started getting attracted to a coworker who initially showed interest in me. He gets upset when I talk to other guys or smile at my phone. He always wants to be where I am, quickly starts a conversation with me, and we even fl!rt with each other. I really like him, and we follow each other on IG. However, a week ago, during a conversation, he mentioned that while his girlfriend can sleep around, he can too.

At first, I was unbothered by his comment. I texted him on IG about his apron, using it as an excuse to start a conversation, but I unsent the message after an hour. The next day, during our evening shift, he confronted me about the unsent message, saying it could have caused a lot of drama if his girlfriend had seen it. He had previously lied about his relationship status, which added to my confusion. Despite this, I texted and unsent a message to him again yesterday. I can’t figure out if I’m being delusional if he genuinely likes me, or if he just wants to sleep with me. What are your thoughts?

Also Read: Not all Feminine Guys are Gay

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