Deliver Me From the Sons of Pharaoh

Ladies that are blessed with good and caring guys, where and how did you get them??? This dating pool is so messed up these days, and it’s so scary. I just want to be loved, and I reciprocate. Having your own person that you talk to and want to enter them and eat them up at the same time—their smell, smile, and voice; mehnnnn!!!! God, please deliver me from the sons of Pharaoh, please. 😭 If it’s my sins, please forgive me and have mercy on me. I cry to sleep most times. This single life isn’t easy. I don’t even depend on guys for anything ‘cause I know how it feels to work and earn money, but it’s quite unfortunate that I keep falling into the wrong hands—people that will even suck the little I have without giving back. Please remember me in your prayers. Let God grant this my wish. I’m tired.

Also Read: I Don’t Know if I Can Still Work On My Relationship

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