My man and I have been dating for 5 years now. When we started, everything was going smoothly. I’m so precious to him to the extent he can lend me his eyes, but after 2 years plus, everything changed. He now keeps secrets from me; we don’t talk like before—even if I try to ask him about something, he will turn it into a fight or just give attitude. Sometimes, if I go to his place for a visit and leave a dirty plate, immediately when I get home I will start seeing different types of texts about the plate. I’m talking about my husband-to-be because both our families know about the relationship. What happened recently is that I can’t even take it anymore—some of his abroad friends are around, and I can hardly talk to my man. When I call, he won’t pick up, and even if he does, “I will call you back” is the next thing… I feel like this man doesn’t even take me as his priority. Am I doing too much? I have tried to break up countless times after his foolish behavior sometimes, but he won’t let me go—he keeps begging me. What do I do?
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