I have been dating this guy for a year and a half now, and I really love him. I have been noticing some signs that this guy is not really into me, but I’m not sure though. He talks to me anyhow and commands me a lot. Anytime I’m at his place, I clean, cook, and even sometimes wash his clothes, but he doesn’t appreciate anything. He still complains and says that I don’t do anything at all in the house, that I’ve never washed his clothes before, and all of that. There was a day I cleaned everywhere and did everything in the house, and I was so tired because of the work, so I asked him if he could help me bring out the leftover stew from the fridge so I could microwave it when I am done. But he said he couldn’t stand up, and that what am I doing that I can’t go and take the stew. I was just so pissed like I’ve been working since around 8 am till noon and was still working, and he couldn’t assist me. He complains so much that I’m beginning to hate him.
Apart from all this, our sex life is so boring, and I’ve spoken to him about how to improve, but he doesn’t even care about sex. He can have sex just once a month if possible. He doesn’t even do foreplay. When sucking the boobs, he’s always biting me, and it’s really annoying. I’m not always aroused when we do foreplay. When we are having sex, I always lose interest halfway. Sometimes, I’m not even always wet, and I’ll be so sore after sex. I’ve had sex before him, and I know how sex is supposed to be, but with him, sex is boring. Sometimes I just wait for him to cum so he can get off my body. And when you tell him, he will be so angry, so I’ve not even told him. I hate sex with him. He’s traveling out soon, and I can’t wait for him to go so I can break up. He even sometimes tells me that he can’t marry me. I hate his character and hate the sex also. Please give me advice. I don’t know what to do anymore.
Also Read: He Wants Us to Settle Down but We Are Not Financially Capable
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