I have a male best friend of 9 years who knows everyone in my family because I grew up in a school environment and that’s where we went to school and he lived close to my family house. We became friends from then until we graduated and he moved to another state. We had no romantic relationship whatsoever and we shared everything. Yesterday my kid sis (23) who also is aware of our friendship (literally everyone in my house is) told me that they met up in December and had sex and that he had been asking her out for a while and even coming to see her. This was after I told her that he recently asked that we start dating because I am the only person he knows and feels he deeply loves. I am not angry at all because I honestly don’t have romantic feelings for him but I am disappointed because he didn’t tell me (he tells me about everything, including who he sleeps with) and neither did my sis because we tell each other everything too.
I called her on the phone for us to talk about it in detail but she seems to be avoiding the conversation. Should I confront my friend? Am I overreacting? I’m not jealous, I promise. I am just really hurt because this guy talks shit about the girls he’s been with and he says they are all hoes. I even asked my sis if he knew we were siblings and she said she’s not sure (but he definitely does because I post my siblings often on my status). I am angry at my sis because she knows very well that me and this guy are friends and that he’s asking me out but she didn’t bother telling me until after they’ve had sex. Please advise me guys. Thanks.
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