So, I’m in my mid-twenties, and I have a daughter—she’s 2. Well, my story is, I left my ex (first love) and moved to my present boyfriend (BD). I left my ex then because I felt he wasn’t mature enough to handle a relationship. I just didn’t like how I was treated by him back then. We were young and naive. I moved to my BD because I thought he was mature enough. To cut the long story short, my BD is the opposite of what I thought he was. He’s manipulative, he’s a gaslighter, and he’s t0xic (he h!ts me). I always felt I could endure it and that he would change (which he did for a while), but just recently, he broke my phone again—which just confirmed to me that he’d never change. And me, I’ve already made up my mind in my head that I have moved on. Now, my ex is back, and he’s more serious about it. He has always been on my case, even after we broke up. The only time he backed off was when I was pregnant, but even after I put to bed,
he has always been on my case—telling me how much he misses me and would love for us to get back together. He claims he’s now a mature man and feels he’s capable of handling our relationship better. He doesn’t care that I have a daughter with someone else. I also told him that even if we were to come back together, he has no business with my daughter. Her dad is very much active in her life, and I am also capable of taking care of her—which he said was okay. He also tried to talk about marriage, but I just shut him down and told him I’m honestly not ready for any marriage talks right now. Even with my BD, I feel marriage is something I don’t want to rush into, especially with the glaring red flags I see in him. So, where I need advice now, Rantz Fam, is—what do you guys think I should do? Should I give my ex a chance again? Please note that I haven’t ended things with my BD, but if I’m being honest with myself, I’m already moving past him.
I don’t even feel butterflies in my tummy anymore when I see him (unlike before). I just don’t know if I should give my ex a chance and date both of them together. As for my sex life, my ex is ready to wait until I’m ready. Even when we dated, we were never sex freaks—we could even go weeks without it. Please advise me in whatever way you can, and please, I’m not looking forward to getting married anytime soon. I just want to live in the moment and enjoy it (YOLO). I have a daughter already, so what am I looking for in marriage?
Also Read: I’m Carrying a Married Man’s Baby
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