Wondering if She’s Friend or Foe

I have a friend, and we’ve been friends for seven years. She’s older than me by three years, but I love and respect her. A while back, we were conversing on the phone, talking about life and general stuff. Then, out of nowhere, she blurted out, “If you don’t marry a better man, I’m going to laugh and mock you.” It was so surprising because we weren’t talking about anything related to relationships or marriage. It was just so random. So I asked her, “Meaning what?” Then she laughed and said, “I’m just saying o, because you like to form too much and carry yourself like a princess, like you’re too big for certain things and don’t like to m€ss around with anyone. You too dey select. Dey always form form.”So, I went silent. Then she continued, “With all this one you’re doing, I want to see who will marry you. If it’s not a rich or big man, I will laugh at you. I’m just telling you, I will laugh at you.” At that point, I just went numb because I felt so hurt. Everyone in my house literally knows her and vice versa. I even tell some people we’re sisters.

My issue is that she was making fun of me like it was nothing. If she felt I had an attitude she didn’t like or thought I was a certain way, why didn’t she communicate that with me? We’ve been friends for seven years, and never for one day have I ever had that kind of thought towards her—for anything or any reason. After the call ended that day, I just felt so hurt and sad. I cried and prayed, then deleted her number from my phone. Now, she’s been calling me for a while, sending me messages saying she doesn’t know what’s wrong, that she hasn’t been hearing from me, that I don’t check on her anymore, and that I’m not texting like before. Honestly, I can never really have that open mind of friendship with her again, no matter how much I try. I really hate this feeling and the way our friendship just has to wear off like this, but it’s fine. I’ll just live my life the best way I can and pray God shows me mercy and grace, and never puts me in a situation where I’ll be mocked by anyone.

Also Read: I Feel We Won’t End up Together Because of Our Past History

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