Around 2023, I broke up with my gf because I caught her cheating with a guy in her school, even though she knew the guy had a gf. I was so pained, and I met a girl around that time. Although we didn’t have a relationship because I told her I had someone and we were not on good terms, just not to get her hopes up, and we settled for friends with benefits. But anytime we saw each other, I always treated her like a girlfriend because I was new to that kind of life, and I’m a handsome and loving guy that gets along with everyone. But she’s always asking, “What are we?” and I always told her we’re friends. Little did I know this girl was planning with her friend and a native doctor to tie me with a bead or something. It’s a cur$e. I overheard her talking about it on the phone, which she later confessed to me. Even though I confronted her immediately, she denied it, but I stopped having s€x with her since then.
Idk if she got pregnant from our last s€x cuz we didn’t use protection, but I told her to get the p!lls immediately the next day before she got home. But we had an argument the next day, and she blocked me, so I don’t know if she got the p!lls or not. We met again after a week or two because she needed money, but we didn’t do anything. The following week, she told me she missed her period and was pregnant, which I also observed from her body and cravings the last time we met. She said she needed money for a local ab0rtion, which I gave her because I’m also not ready to be a father, and she knows. Later, she came up with an excuse that she wanted to do it at a hospital and asked for money. I gave her, and then she came up with a story that the pregnancy was twins and they could only ab0rt one, and one remained. This time, I asked her to do a scan first and send me the result. The dates on the results were very wrong, which she said was a mistake from the hospital.
Now, I tried to take her to a hospital, but she insisted and told me to give her the money for the last ab0rtion, and our ways would never cross again, which I did. But she came up with another excuse a few weeks later, saying she couldn’t ab0rt the pregnancy because she loved me and wanted to have a child with me. Omo, I don’t even understand. First, it was her granny who dreamt about her having an ab0rtion and dying. Later, she said a friend advised her not to have the ab0rtion but to take the money and move in with her. I told her I don’t have what it takes to be a father now, and she said she would born the child if I liked it or not. Besides, there are kids who survived without a father. Now, she has given birth and expects me to take responsibility for the child. Even her whole family has been disturbing me to show up. I guess she didn’t tell them we were not dating or anything about the pregnancy. Me and my gf got back together and let go of our past, but she already found out about this.
I don’t know what to do anymore. This girl manipulated me and got a kid. She’s been texting me every day for child support despite everything that happened before the birth of the child. This girl is making me feel like an irresponsible guy while forcing a child on me, even though I tried to avoid it from the start. I’m so confused right now. Should I dump my gf and focus on the child? But I feel like she won me after all, or should I just keep building my life? I’m not sure my gf is even loyal, especially after finding out someone got pregnant for me. Pls, I need your advice. I will be in the comment section 🙏.
Also Read: Dealing With a Wicked Friend
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