Eyes Wandering Partner

How do you cope with a wandering eyes guy? Ok, here’s the gist: I’m in a 2 months old relationship with this guy and the few times we’ve gone out together I notice he stares at ladies’ asses. It’s really somehow considering I’m right there. The last one we went was at the beach.. I caught him again, it just killed my whole vibe. Now each time I see a lady I’ll start tracing his eyes to see if he’s looking or not. Makes me feel less tbh. This is the only thing that bothers me for now. He’s a really sweet guy fr, he’s done a lot for me in these few months of dating but I don’t want to be blinded and ignore the obvious. I really want this to be my last relationship. I’m 25, he’s 31 and he’s very intentional about us. What do y’all besties suggest I do. Should I talk to him first or I should just back off as it’s still at the early stage. Will be in the comments. Thank you.

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