Please, is it possible to have an infection for like four months without noticing? I started dating this guy around August, and the first time we had sex, he complained that I had an infection. He said he was feeling itching and stuff and asked if I was annoyed. I said not at all, and I even apologized, and we both treated ourselves. Fast forward to last month, I went to his place, and we had sex, but I noticed he had a girlfriend, so I planned to leave him. We spoke when I got home, and he didn’t message me since then, and I didn’t worry because I wanted to move on. After about a month, he messaged me last week and said that the last time we had sex, he felt the itching again, and it was even worse this time.
He said he spent like N80k on treatment and asked me to try and treat myself. He was mad at me, saying that’s why he didn’t message me, and I didn’t bother messaging him either. I told him okay, but I’m not ready to go back to him. Please, is it possible to have that kind of infection for four months without noticing anything—not even rashes or discharge—and my period still comes out well? I went to the hospital, and the doctor kept asking me about symptoms. I explained, and the way he was looking at me sef, he just said I should do three tests that cost like N20k. But I don’t know if I should spend that money when I don’t even feel any symptoms. Please, I’m tired. What should I do?
Also Read: Heart Full of Gratitude
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