I’m Not Comfortable with Her Showing Off Her Stretch Marks

I’m in my late twenties and have a girlfriend. We’ve been together for two years now, and it’s been an amazing ride. My girl has loads of stretch marks on her body, especially in her chest and breast region. Personally, I wasn’t very pleased the first day I saw them, but I’m a lover boy and a compassionate person, so I ignored them and made myself love every line on her body just as much as I love her personality, which attracted me to her in the first place.

As much as I don’t have issues with the marks, I do have an issue with the fact that she’s always flaunting them. She wears clothes that reveal those marks. I’m human, and sometimes it makes me feel displeased when we’re in public or hanging out with friends. I don’t know how to tell her in a diplomatic way to stop flaunting the stretch marks like she does without messing with her self-esteem. Any advice, please?

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