90% of My Babe’s Friends Are Male

I’m here to share my worries and thoughts, please. I need help; I’m dying slowly. My girlfriend of a year plus doesn’t trust me anymore. So this is what happened: When we started dating, I noticed she had so many male friends she was chatting with. Almost all her friends were 90% male. I complained and nagged about it, and she would say she would limit how she talks with them, but nope, all these guys want her. My girlfriend has never posted me before on her WhatsApp or anywhere. Everybody knows she’s my girlfriend, but just a few people know we are dating. I loved this girl so much with all my heart. She’s not cheating, but the flirting with different guys hurts me so bad to the extent that I almost cheated on her with someone. We talked it out, and she said she forgave me, but I don’t think she did. She won’t stop talking about it. Every day, I must see different guys texting her. She hasn’t listened or taken my word since the beginning of the relationship. Hear my pain, I am dying. I love this girl so much, but why can’t she do what I want so I can give her the peace she deserves?

I am being emotionally abused and manipulated. I don’t know what to do, especially the respect kills me. Let’s talk about her needs; I believe no one can say I’m not trying. Everything is always about her, and she says she loves me and cares, but I can’t feel it. I express my love with money, affection, and affirmation, but why can’t she respect me? Every little argument she will turn into a big one, always wants me on the bad side, to confess what I never did. Should I just let her be or be in the relationship? To be honest, these are beautiful and elegant ones, aren’t they? I feel I deserve better, please tell me what to do. She shouts and gets mad at me for no reason; only money makes her happy. I’m not a strong man; I have shed tears before her many times, but I don’t know anymore, please. I need advice. She claimed I damaged her, how, when she flirts with different guys and I only talked to two girls, and that’s the issue till now. I’m tired. I deserve respect; I give her all she wants. Should I let go? Will I hear? How will I love again? Please, I need help.

Also Read: My Situationship With Two Men

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